Love the new name! And the idea!

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This sounds amazing - if we had one here in Central Florida (close enough to where I am) I’d love it!

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Apr 2Liked by Lynn Hill

Lynn!!! We are still baking and sharing cakes here in Southlake, Texas! I started the first US chapter of CCC in April 2013. Last year we celebrated our 10th birthday — 11 this month! Covid definitely shook things up and we are a bit smaller than we were but we survived and continue to draw in new bakers. I will always have a special place in my heart for you and the wonderful club you started. Happy baking!

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Elisha. That’s wonderful news to hear your Southlake club is still going strong. Please pass on my best wishes to everyone.

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Apr 1Liked by Lynn Hill

I have only come across this newsletter today but I think that it is a good idea what you're thinking.

Telling the stories of the lives these clubs touched and the dramas that happened sounds like such an interesting setting in which to set your love for baking and formulating recipes.

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Thank you. That's the plan.

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What the world needs now is more Clandestine Cake Clubs!

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I love this idea! And I'm so with you on the subject of cakes you have to cut. There's just so something so lovely about them - the sharing, the revelation of the wonders within when the slice falls on the plate, the idea of giving, gathering, enjoying.

I cant wait to read more

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Welcome Lynn! We used to go to the Newcastle CCC - still in touch with lots of the bakers. 💕

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I am delighted to hear you are still in touch with some of the other bakers. And to see how successful you are on Substack. I feel a train journey to Newcastle should be on the cards for me this year.

Let's see if we can get a few people together for a coffee somewhere. No need to bring cake, just ourselves and reconnect in real life. :-)

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Oh what a beautiful idea - I'll whatsapp the gang!

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Hi Claire. I came to one of the Newcastle events in its early days. Did we meet? Lisa was the club organiser at the time.

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Yes Lisa! She's so wonderful we're still in touch. No we didn't meet Lynn but we were all in awe of you. I am so glad you are making a home on Substack. I might even be inspired to start baking again - I have two kids now and I'm a carer for my husband with chronic fatigue on a strict diet so the world of baking cakes and sharing with friends for fun would be a welcome return!!

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Mar 31Liked by Lynn Hill

I was taken to my first event at the Lowry in Salford and then joined the South Manchester and (I think) Stockport CCC - had just about decided to volunteer to help run it when it ended. Remember lots of fun themes and cakes (red wine cake anyone?) and venues. I'm still on the FB group of the successor group but not been to a catch-up since covid, ... love the idea but dates never seem to suit.

Also attended the bake-day Ian Parfitt arranged in Matlock which was great fun too.

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Hi Katya. I remember going to a few Manchester events. They were a lot of fun. I seem to remember one that was included in filming for a German TV program.

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Mar 31Liked by Lynn Hill

Great read, Lynn.

I joined my local CCC, maybe 2014 (wished I’d known about it sooner!) Had several get togethers, even hosted one at home when we had difficulty getting a venue.

Then the organiser stepped back and I was about to volunteer when CCC all ended 😔

The group later reformed as a ‘Cake Club’ but I then emigrated to NZ and I joined virtually for a while!

I borrowed a huge cake tin from one of the members for my Bon Voyage party cake!

I now bake regularly for a charity for Good Bitches Baking, here in New Zealand. We bake 1-2 times a month on a roster, get supplied with cake boxes and other volunteers deliver the baking to local charities; women’s refuges, neo- natal group, etc

It’s very fulfilling and means me & hubby don’t have to eat ALL my baking!

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Thanks Helen. I love what you are doing with your new baking club and baking for charity.

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What a brilliant and heartwarming idea. Bringing people together doesn’t have to be complicated, just well-planned 🎂 Looking forward to reading more!

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Thank you Anna, I’m looking forward to writing them.

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Hello Gill. I am thrilled and delighted to here you are still running a cake group. Please pass on my best wishes to everyone. There are so many stories to tell and fond memories of these events.

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